Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back Here!!

Hey guys I'm really sorry for abandoning you all for the last few months but YES I'm still around .I'm super busy for the past couple of weeks . What the heck I am so so busy in ??

Haha...i don't know , you wont know ==' .Hmmm, I have not really been right because of the new semester . I actually got a poor time management !!

But , clearly , yes, there is somethings in the air . Of course , there is always somethings i want to tell .I have just join force to become a shareholder of this company - Teck Mall (Eh not going to explain the details)

post script : Teck Mall yesterday , Teck Mall today , Teck Mall forever !!Huat a!!!!

1 comment:

Chee Qin said...
